Neolamprologus brevis Fungus!!!


New Member
So I took these brevis to the swap meet yesterday and no one bought him. Well as soon as I got home, I acclimated him properly to the tank and after dumping him in I noticed he had some fungus on the top of his back. I treated the tank with Melafix (I know it probably doesn't help) and went to bed. I got home tonight after work to find him almost completely covered in it. I removed him and put him in a quarantine tank. Is there anything else I can put in there to help him? I don't have Pimafix, but I do have salt. Can I do a salt treatment for him?


Staff member
Yeah, start with 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons. That'll clear up a lot of random things.


New Member
He ended up dying last night. I kind of figured he would, as he was COVERED in the stuff. I bought some fungus clear Jungle stuff from Walmart as they don't carry Pimafix for some reason (though they carry Melafix). And to add insult to injury, the cats decided to pull his airline out of his tank, so no air for him. :(