My Tetra is bent


New Member
Noticed it the other day, I have since taken it out and put it out of its misery, hope it doesnt affect any others, it was swimming and eating fine, but dont want to chance any other issues...

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Active Member
I had a number of zebra danio fry born in my tanks that developed spine deformities.  I'm guessing it was mostly bad genetics.

A quick search says that Neon Tetra Disease, caused by a sporozoan, can result in a bent spine.  If this is the case, then removing the affected fish was a good call.


New Member
Thanks, I just hated to do it for some reason. But I guess it means I get to buy more fish now.


New Member
When I had neons, I would toss them if their colors started to fade or if they developed dark spots. They are easy to maintain, unless a disease that is incurable to them breaks out... which is common depending on where you get them from.

I never had a problem with bent spines with them, though guppy females and danios were tossed left and right until I got it sorted out. Culling a fish means the healthy ones will stay healthy, there is nothing to feel sorry about. They go to a better place... the septic tank. lol


New Member
Several possibilities. Neon Tetra Disease (Pleistophora hyphessobryconis), poor breeding conditions/genetic issues, mycobacteria aka "fish TB". All of which point to euthanasia so you did the right thing.