Live-Bearers VS. Egg Layers


New Member
I am trying to figure out which one is the best to get. I like the idea behind live bearers and egg layers but not sure the pro's and con's of either!!


New Member
Okay, if you are looking to for the easiest to breed, live bearers will be your go-to fish. Guppies, Mollies, Platys, Swordtails are among the easiest to breed of any fish.

On the other hand, give two convicts a tank and water and they will do their thing, no questions asked. AND they care for their babies.

There is no better one to get. I like mouth brooders my self, but that's because I like the challenge.


New Member
I second the mouthbrooders, something cool about watching a parent hold a bunch of eggs in there mouths to protect them... plus its fun to strip them out!!

Ive never kept live bearers, but have kept egg layers, and some are super easy to care for (convicts) some are a little harder (discus, rams)... ive heard live bearers all are very simple to raise. but never exp. it.


I will say mouthbrooders is the most rewarding challenge you can have aside from breeding anything saltwater. One challenge I have overcome recently is breeding true blood parrots since they lay eggs like crazy but never fertalize them. If you want easy go with the convicts and give the babies away for feeders. Guppies will be fun cause you can combined different strains to see what you get out of it. Some amazing looking guppies have been breed this way. Good luck!


Tetras are hard cause you have to simulate the rainy season. changing alot of water and dropping the temp 10 degrees then back up gradually to normal (whatever that might be) I had lemon tetras breed this way but they were in a 110 planted tank and the reward was my corys eating the eggs and freeswimmers since it was hard to net them out from the plants. Most Barbs are egg spreaders in heavy planted tanks without a rainy season trigger. Much easier but you still need plants-lots of them.