Large Craigslist tanks


Active Member
So I've been seeing a lot of large tanks show up on Craigslist lately-- ones like:

I'm thinking it's about time to jump on a larger project, but I've never had a tank of my own that big. Current max is a 75. (I did have an 800 gallon bass/sunfish "pond" in the basement of the last house, so I've kept large systems, just not ones with glass/plexi sides.)

Are there good reasons not to buy a big used tank? Particularly things outside of what would be similar for small tanks? I'm not worried about resealing some silicon or something simple, but I'm hesitant to get a random used tank when a problem with it could put a few hundred gallons on the floor. If you have experiences to share, please do!



New Member
The 93g rimless cube I have for sale isn't as large as those, but it is a new tank.