Just started 10g


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So I just started a 10g planted tank. I only have 2 Anubias plants in there and I have one on the way. Now what to buy next??? The last time I tried a planted tank my fish ate all the plants so, this time, I am not putting fish in the tank. Once my plants take hold I am thinking of moving them to my 29gT that has one of those triple saltwater lights on it. (sitting empty atm) But I wanna try it. I read that you can add some shrimp on a different post here. Should I wait until I have more going??? I have 0 algae in the tank for them to eat. I also just got another piece of driftwood that I am going to string the small Anubias plant onto.
I have a 10g filter and a sponge filter in the tank. I keep the light on from about 8am to 8pm at night so it gets a good 12 hrs of light a day.


Well-Known Member
I would wait until the tank is cycled since it's a new set up. Some thoughts on planted tanks. I had them many...mny years ago a set up a 20 gallon semi high tech planted 6 months ago. I used the mineralized soil method, co2, and an old saltwater LED light. I started with 12 hours a light a day and in 3 days I had a terrible green soup algae out break! I cut the lighting to 8 hours,did some water changes( I also used a diatom filter) and things are doing really well right now.


New Member
I would say do a little reading then just go get some plants. I am pretty new to plans myself but i have had good luck with bacopa and Dwarf Sag. , Ludwigia Repens, and Tiger lotus. I just have a finnex 24/7 on my 10 gallon and I do use Aquarium Coop brand ferts on the tank. I have an Amazon sword in my 30 gallon that is going crazy but i don't know if that plant would fit in a 10 gallon very well unless you really keep it trimmed. You may need to look into root tabs depending on the substrate you have.

Good luck!
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The tank has been up and running for a month with just 2 plants in it. I just ordered 3 more plants for it. I have all kinds of stuff for algae kill. but I was thinking of putting some shrimp in there. I have root tabs, never used them before. Today I added stress zymes and leaf zone. I also ordered co2 boost today. I am iffy about a DIY co2 machine. I looked into tabs and it seems like none got a good review. Kinda worried how do you put shrimp or anything else in the tank if you add so much co2. do you use a timer on it? the DIY doesn't seem hard. its just remembering every 20 days to change out the 2 chemicals.


New Member
I don't use CO2. I didn't want to over complicate my tanks as I am a rookie and also I didn't really want to put a ton of money into a CO2 system. I have read mixed reviews on DIY CO2 systems. I use to use Excel but after watching Corey's review of it I have not touched it and I don't see difference. When I first started I just used some root tabs and seachem flourish and I noticed a pretty big difference when I started adding potassium regularly. Currently I use seachem flourish and seachem potassium and I use aquarium Coop on my 10 gallon as kind of my own experiment. Both seem to grow plants.

One thing I did was I watched alot of Dustin's fishtanks videos and went for a dirt aquarium. So I didn't have to use root tabs but I am not sure I would recommend this method. I moved a few crypts a while back and it took me a few weeks of water changes and heavy filter maintenance to get the tank back under control. Bottom line is I recommended starting simple and then adding to your tank after you get the hang of simple firts.


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thank you MBfishkeeper, great advice. exactly, that is why I started small with a 10g only 2 plants. I am adding 3 plants to the tank but they are inexpensive plants. I just want to try. I saw some eco soil you mix in with your sand/gravel to help with root growth. I am really looking forward to moving it all to the 29T once I get that up and running and get the correct substrate. I will take a look at flourish and potassium. have to see what they cost and if they are in my budget.
My Anubis is small. hasn't grown much but the other plant in the tank has taken off. it is too large for the rock it was bound to I am awaiting an order of a few small driftwood pieces I can attach it too.


Well-Known Member
I have a planted 7g nano. I tried the Fluval co2 cartridges on it but stopped it after a few months. I'm pretty sure I was getting too much co2 and it was killing the shrimp I had in it. So, I'd be wary of co2 and shrimp if you want to try shrimp. We've done pretty well with many different plants with no co2, we just make sure to fertilize well. I imagine they'd flourish more if we'd use it but I won't try it again in my shrimp tank.
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I have the 29up, I am a little upset over the driftwood I got the guy said was already soaked and well, it was not. The 2 plants I started with I had for a while they have been moved from tank to tank. The last tank they were in Mr. Kinks cause he doesn't move anything or eat anything but pellets. But here's a picture, I am doing 30% water changes to help move the wood along I might have to take it out, I just have a plant already attached to it. Filter on it was already cycled. I use airline and co2 once a week but I keep airlines on all the time for the ghost shrimp in there. I wanna see if they live before I invest in 3$ shrimp20161010_161109.jpg


Well-Known Member
Aww, that's a bummer. Even if you soak really well it can dirty the water for a bit. Water changes should help. If you wanted to make sure you could take out and boil yourself and then reattach the plant later. I don't think the tannins would hurt anything, it's just not as clear as I'm sure you'd like.