Itch....... Help!


New Member
I just got home from a two week vacation and somehow my yellow mollies have white spots all over them. I did a 50% water change, added some more salt and turned up the heat but should i be worried about my other fish getting it too? Out of all my fish the 5 adult yellow ones are the only fish that got it. Is this normal? How does it spread? Is there anything else i can do. Help save my fish! Thanks!


New Member
up the water changes. lots of folks say that ich can always exist in a tank and will only break out if water conditions fall below acceptable levels. what is your ph lvl? perhaps you had a ph crash from not being around and doing water changes (as waste builds up it can bring a ph lvl WAY down rather quickly) i only ask this as mollys in general seem to prefer a very high ph due to how many are bred and raised in concrete ponds. anyhoo GL to ya hope some of this helps


New Member
Turn the heater up to 83-84, add an airstone to keep the oxygen up in the water. Gravel vac and do 50% water changes daily, and keep the temp up for 10 days after the last sign of Ich is gone.


I have it now to but I just turn the temp up and do water changes!