Hungry hungry Saulosi


New Member
So, my f1 Saulosi are growing. They were barely 1/4" when I got them, they are just under 2" now. Of the 10 I have, it looks like 3 will be males. They are all super active and the tank is a flurry of activity all the time. Now for the much should I feed these little piggies? They will eat 5 - 10 times a day if I go by their "hunger" display (following me around the tank. popping up to the top of the water and acting starved). I feed them 3 times a day, morning before work, late afternoon when I come home and evening around 9 - 10 pm. They act like they haven't eaten for days no matter what feeding They devour EVERYTHING and leave nothing on the floor for the Leopard Frog Plecos (I add a few algae wafers at night for them).

So, to those experienced with these fish, how often did you feed your juvies?


New Member
Juvies in general recquire more frequent feedings cause they are growing and have fast metabolism... plus there stomachs are smaller so it doesnt take much to fill them up, but then there hungry again when it digests.... I typically have always fed mine 3x daily.... and as much as they can take down in 20-30 seconds.

Never kept salousi, but I am assumin they are like any other mbuna.


New Member
I know you're feeding plenty of spirulina, so they can eat that very often. Try to feed them that as their staple food in little feedings throughout the day, and supplement it once a day with some other type of food. I've found that it helps to have algae in the tank as they will graze on it throughout the day as well.


New Member
I feel my juvies NLS Grow twice a day. I'd do it three times if it wasn't inconvenient, and I think it's more important to focus on being consistent.


New Member
I go twice a day with spirulina staple and drop the algae wafers in for Saulosi grazing. I also clip treats (Romain lettuce, pressed seaweed) in couple of times a week, and once a week brine shrimp.