Hi from MN USA


Hello fish-people...
I'm a freshwater fish novice - a noob I guess (a few years experience only).. always looking for new information- from hands-on fish peeps to up my knowledge and better my pet fish's worlds

I love fish-talks on YouTube... I love talking fish. Fish forums make me nervous- but why not try this one out?! Hope to meet some fish-minded people and learn to improve my fish-keeping

I currently have only a few tanks-
10 g with 1 male crown-tail betta (SpitFire), and 1 nerite snail (Lil-Buddy)
5.5 g with 1 male veil-tail betta (Rocket), and Ramshorn & MTS & 1 Assassin snail
5.5 g with 1 female betta (Ninja), Ramshorn, MTS, and 2 Assasins
5.5 g with 1 sick male veil-tail (Kevin), ramshorns & MTS (Grandaddy), and 2 Assasins
30 g with Yoyo's, and tetras- would love to up this one to a 75 g sometime soon

20 g EMPTY omg. Empty. Thinking either paludarium with 10 g water for a betta- or 20 g to try out guppies again (I'm NOT good with guppies), or 3rd option I'm thinking of trying shrimp again...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.

PS. I was born in MN and lived in Excelsior until the age of 7.


Well-Known Member
If you wanted to try something similar to Guppies you could try Endlers. I find them to be more hardy and as they mature the colors are quite stunning. My only problem with them is that the males are quite macho and stress the females to death. You could do a male only tank which is quite common or one male to four females.


I love the look of guppies (and endlers lol)- bettas are actually my love. I'm drawn to guppies for the 20g because I failed the first time around with guppies- id like to say "I did it and they lived happily!" but obviously I'm not sold on one idea just yet. Endlers are lovely colorful fish and would look beautiful in a 20g !