Help With Bottom Feeders - SAND


New Member
I dont know any fish that are better garbage food/cleaners than catfish..... if your looking for something to eat your fish poop so you dont have to vacume as much then you shouldnt be lookin for a fish.... maybe snails, or shrimps, again, my fish would devour them so, good luck.

as for mom overfeeding..... your lucky you dont have tropheus, they would instantly die of bloat.... some of the cichlids you do have can get bloat too, and overfeeding can cause this so tell mom she will kill your fish. not to mention water quality gets super nasty from uneaten food.


New Member
Dont forget about snails! Nerites would be a great option and they wont everpopulate a freshwater tank! and they are real garbage disposals! Many varieties of nerites as well! I love zebra nerites!

Rabbit snails are great as well and they love hard/calcium rich waters like what yours should be! They get to a large size and shouldnt have a problem being eaten either!
there are many different varieties of these guys also!


New Member
Doza said:
Dont forget about snails! Nerites would be a great option and they wont everpopulate a freshwater tank! and they are real garbage disposals! Many varieties of nerites as well! I love zebra nerites!

Rabbit snails are great as well and they love hard/calcium rich waters like what yours should be! They get to a large size and shouldnt have a problem being eaten either!
there are many different varieties of these guys also!
i think having a few snails around would be cool.

i tried out 2x ghost shrimp. needless to say, i can't find them in the tank anywhere lol...
they might be alive who knows. they were hanging around the top corners of the tank when i left.
there are just too many hiding places in my tank to know exactly what happened to the shrimp.

so i think ill get a few snails and maybe 5-10 more ghost shrimp.
a few people have told me that my fish would love small shrimp as a desert once in a while.