Hello from Seattle


New Member
Hi all,

I'm located in Seattle and I raise mini musk turtles, axolotls (albinos, leucistic, and GFP), and leucistic Spanish ribbed newts.


New Member
Any tips on keeping turtles with fish ? And what species bask less im stuck between pignose or musk turtle !!


New Member
Mini musk turtles generally don't bask and can be kept with fish simply because they're too slow and clumsy to be able to catch fish. They swim, but generally prefer to walk all over your aquarium. Pig-nosed turtles get quite large and are hard to find. As cute as the flippers are, you would need a very large indoor pond to keep a 50 pound pig-nosed turtle.


New Member
Im in the prcoess of locating some stinkpot musk turtles did you get yours locally or know a local breeder ? Underground reptile charges 40$ shipping the price of 2 of them..

Thanks in advance!


Staff member
urbanseacow said:
can be kept with fish simply because they're too slow and clumsy to be able to catch fish.

I've seen mini musks catch and eat african cichlids, endlers livebearers, neon tetras and dwarf neon rainbowfish. This is in 55 gallon aquariums more than enough room for fish to be "fast".