Has anyone had to deal with planaria!?


New Member
So i was just looking at my Brichardi tank and saw what I thought was a turd floating by! Then all the sudden the sucker started swimming....It just freaked me out!!! :affraid:
So I did some research and come to find out it's a type of flat worm called planaria! They say it's not harmful to fish and it's from over feeding. Has anyone had to deal with this before!? :shock:


New Member
Yep.. I was all freaked out when i saw them in my tank.. I just cut back on feedings a little and did some good gravel vac'ing, and water changes.. I just have to remember to take out any extra food that didn't get eaten, I still see them every once in a while..


once you see one then you'll keep seeing them no matter how clean you keep the tank. Its very common and not a big deal. You will see your fish eat them which is kinda gross since they came from the fish stool but not to worry, not harmful.


New Member
Yep I was the same way you were when I first seen these in my tanks. I just cut back on feeding and dont seem to see them in the water, im sure there still in the substrate, but at least there eating what you cant see.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
My boyfriend had the same problem. Seems pretty common really. He used coppersafe in the water for the recommended time then afterwards did thorough gravel/sand cleaning and water changes. Haven't seen them for quite a while and he just recently did a gravel stir up to get the sinking poo from the bottom of the gravel and there weren't any then either. So apparently if you WANT to coppersafe works pretty well.


New Member
A lot of fun to deal with plannaria in a shrimp only tank. I used No-planaria by Genchem Biotechnology( I was lucky to buy it on ebay).

lars on

New Member
I had a huge build up of them I think a while ago. I took the fish out, sucked the whole tank clean and filled it with FREEZING water, and the next day when I filled it up with warm water they were all gone