GSAS Annual Plant Auction! TONIGHT!!!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Those are beautiful rainbows! I'm considering adding some of these to my 75 gallon. Uhg, So many fish, so few tank spaces lol

I wondered who would get the reference first ;)


New Member
Wow, my plants sold for a lot more than I thought they would have... I would have bagged up a lot more. Who would have thought a bag of red ludwigia would sell for $16, I usually just trim it and throw it in a box to dry out before throwing it in the garbage it grows so fast. Offsets the costs of the stuff I bought... The emailed itemized receipt is a nice touch too.


The fish are in quarantine...


Well-Known Member
Hi tazeat,

That is part of the fun of an auction, especially one that goes as fast as our GSAS ones never know what items will sell for; sometimes an inexpensive item goes for big $$$ and sometimes an expensive item goes for low bucks. It all pretty much seems to average out over time. Glad you enjoyed the auction!


Are you guys ever going to do events like this on Saturday or weekends?


Well-Known Member
Hi big0612,

Ask and you shall receive!

Along with our monthly auctions that are at the conclusion of most of our regular meetings GSAS has two large fundraising auctions per year, the Plant and Livestock (i.e. fish, shrimp, etc) Auction in November which is held on our regular meeting night (although at a much larger location) and our General Auction (all items including equipment) held at the same location on a Saturday in April.

I believe our General Auction in 2015 is scheduled for Saturday April 18th! Doors typically open at 9:00 AM with the auction starting at 10:00 and lasting until 3:00 PM or so. Last April we had 725+ items and the auction lasted for 5-1/2 hours (2.25 items per minute - stuff sells fast!). Don't want to spend all day? No problem, you can 'bump' an item to the front of the line for $1 donation.
