Grapewood or not?


I'm sitting here with my new bucket of plant substrate ready to start rinsing it and setting up the new 47G planted tank today. The centerpiece is/was a 27 inch tall gnarled grapewood branch chosen to take advantage of the tanks 30" height. I've had it soaking for a week now to get it waterlogged and ready, and then this morning I stumble across a post on another forum that says grapewood will quickly rot in an aquarium!? So I do a little Google research and find conflicting info - some say it will just fall apart after a few months, and others say they've had branches in their tanks for 5+ years with no problems.
So anyone here had any experience using grapewood in your scapes?


New Member
I've got 1 peice of grape in my 75, had it for about 4 or 5 years. It's about half the size now than when I got it but other than that there seems to be absolutely no problems... my wood eating plecos love itm, that's where I can usually find them is on or near the grapewood.

Just try to avoid the long and skinny peices is my only suggestion... and get a wood eating pleco, they'll take care of any outer layer before it starts to rot.


After pulling the soaked grapewood branch out of the tub to place it in the tank, I realized how soft the wood had become just from a week's worth of being in the water. I decided against using it in the aquarium, figured another few weeks it would be nothing but wood pulp polluting the tank.


New Member
bummer.... wish there was a good wood that we could just chop off a tree and put in our tanks.... Theres always too many disadvantages, rot, disease, infestation, etc... just not worth it....

I always just buy a nice piece from the LFS, even though it costs allot, always worth it long term.