**FREE Presentation** Fact and Fiction in Aquarium Lighting


Well-Known Member
**FREE Presentation** Fact and Fiction in Aquarium Lighting / Cara Wade - Build My LED - GSAS

GSAS is proud to announce our October speaker is Cara Wade, who will be speaking on Fact and Fiction in the World of Aquarium Lighting. Cara has over twenty years of professional experience in the fish- and aquarium-related world, including fish research, wildlife film making, science curricula development, aquarium retail sales, and most recently, aquarium lighting design... but she still gets excited over a nice Betta or the livebearers in the local creeks. She works as a photobiology consultant at Build My LED, where she designs and tests spectra and helps meet the lighting needs of clientele in the aquarium, research and horticultural worlds.

One of our GSAS members who heard this talk presented at the Aquatic Gardeners Association (AGA) Conference this year wrote this outstanding review of the talk:
"Cara wrote what I considered the coolest talk at the recent Aquatic Gardeners Association convention. It was presented by her boss, and provided an engineering and practical background on lighting, answered a lot of longstanding questions and slayed many buzzwords, while also introducing a whole new slew of questions and buzzwords. My wife watched the video I took and immediately thought it would be something the members of GSAS would love to hear (She usually dozes through the tech talks, while I snooze through the fish health talks). Oh, I also went in expecting this talk to just be a big sales pitch to buy their products, but it was surprisingly universal most of the time. We both think you'll like it."

Cara will also be presenting a second talk just for members on Monday October 12: "Fundamental goals and differences in lighting for freshwater, reef, terrarium and horticulture".

The presentation will be Tuesday, October 13th, 2015 at 7:30 PM at Seattle Pacific University; Otto Miller Hall; Room 109; West Nickerson Street and 3rd Avenue West.

Doors will open about 6:30 PM for a 'social hour'; the meeting will start at 7:30 PM.

After the meeting please join us for our monthly auction and help to support the club that brings us all our these outstanding speakers.

Guests are welcome; no entrance fee

Family friendly but no childcare provided
Free parking, accessible building
No furry or feathered pets
Go to Greater Seattle Aquarium Society for more information and directions

Key words: Tropical Fish Tank Fishtank Tanks Aquarium Aquariums CO2 Aquatic Plants Aquascaping LED Lighting


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Our GSAS Meeting is coming up this Tuesday; I hope to see you there.

Cara will also be presenting a second talk just for members on Monday October 12 at 7PM (same building, one room over): "Fundamental goals and differences in lighting for freshwater, reef, terrarium and horticulture." Bring your questions! If you e-mail them to us at erik@thekrib.com, Cara will prepare appropriate graphics to answer them!


Looking forward to hearing Cara Wade's talk on LED lighting!! 2nd Auction of the season to follow Cara's talk, starting around 8:30 or so. Early registered items for auction include:

Alternanthera Reineckii 'Mini'
Apistogramma macmasteri juvenile male
Copadichromis borleyi red fin fry x6
Echinodorus angustifolia ‘Vesuvius’
Green Nesaea
Guppy-endler cross (5)
Guppy-endler cross fry (many)
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
Red Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea zenkeri)
Zoogoneticus Tequila Goodeid trio (CARES species)
Zoogoneticus Tequila Goodeid trio (CARES species)

This list is sure to grow, so don't miss your chance to add some new flora and/or fauna to your tank(s)! As a reminder, you do have to be a member to register items to SELL ($15/yr for a single membership, $20 for Family, great bargain by any measure), but ANYONE can register to bid on items being auctioned. Meeting details above in Roy's post, meetings are always fun and informal, come on out and take home some new plants or fish.