FS For trade 2 male(?) ornate bichir 10-12" thurston county pu


Well-Known Member
Like the title says two ornates for sale or trade they are 10-12" and pretty hefty they eat shrimp and hikari massivore pellets. I got them at about 3" a year or so ago and had them for a long time, do to a family problem I moved away for six months ( so that my cousins could live in my home) and in that time my cousin was looking after my tank, he did a really bad job and when I came back I had lost hundreds of dollars in fish and plants, now that I'm back I'm working on getting my tank redone and thinking I want to go a different route... that being said I would prefer trade for something to go in a 75g with a ph range between 6.8-7.2 that would be plant friendly but will sell to the right home.

My cell is 360-237-4077 text or call
Really only have till the 2nd of Jan to get this done because after that I am back to work and will have very little time.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I'd love them, but I don't have anything for trade.... good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I've been to your place and seen your tanks, that's the kind of home I want them to go to. Worst comes to worse I just set up a new tank for em lol