~~~Food Question~~~


New Member
Salmon and cooked shrimp can I feed my preds this diet. I read someone elses thread and jumped to making my own food right now. Can I feed slamon and cooked shrimp. The shrimp is all I have in my freezer I already through in my krill. If the cooked shrimp isn't going to add I'll leave it out. And is the salmon ok? Making it now so a response asap would be great. Again thanks!!


New Member
Feed shrimp raw. Salmon is really oily and can cause water problems but if fed in small quantities as a treat should be okay.


New Member
I feed my fish raw shrimp and scallops once or twice a week, but I mainly feed them flake food. They love the shrimp and scallops though.


New Member
Ok thanks for the info. I'll leave it out. Gf is going to the store after work. What about the other crustashians. I know I spelled that wrong but what about clam or mussle. I will have her pick me
up some shrimp. Would prawn be better?


New Member
What about shrimp shells. I never debone my dogs food unless it's chicken. Does shrimp shell
add benifiets? I know I spelled that wrong too.


New Member
They wont eat the shells, Its not hard to take the shells off. Clams and mussles, I have been told not to feed those. I think it had to do with it not being healthy for the fish. You can feed also squid, and those small raw white fish, you can usually find in the frozen oriental food sections.


New Member
Ok what I have right now is a half ahandful of krill gf will pick
up some raw shrimp and Raw scallops. I already have flounder fillets and tilapia fillets. I will
add my all in one vitamins aswell as my pellets. I forget the brand of pellet I went in on a group
buy with some buddies.

Feeding predators. How does that sound I want to
get it right.


New Member
I'll read into the link we posted at the same time. But my fish are ca/sa cichlids. Not saltwater. Not sure if it makes a difference I didn't read the link yet.


New Member
No, I feed my fresh water fish shrimp and scallops and vitamins. Should be fine. All raw right! God our fish eat better than we do!


New Member
Quote towards end
"Another thing to note is that I also remove clams and mussels from the mixed seafood I get at the Asian store. The reason for this is that I don't want my fish getting a taste for clams, and both clams and mussels have a high waste to protein content. They are practically half crap.

On the flip side, shrimp and scallops are extremely high in protein and virtually zero waste product. They have a very high protein to weight ratio, so I tend to go heavy on those two. Scallops are expensive, but shrimp can be found rather cheaply at Asian and club stores."


New Member
We SW reef keepers keep live clams and would like our clams to not be made meals of by our fish, so thats the reason for removing clams from the food.


New Member
For fresh water, fresh clams and oysters are probably good, but I still think salmon is going to be a problem with water quality being its so oily. Oysters should be really good for the fish.


New Member
Lilfishie, thank you so much for your help. And NO kidding nice clams like that would be something to

Thank you again. I'll keep out the clams mussle and salmon. And add raw shrimp scallops and maybe some squid we'll see.

Thank you again it's much appreciated!!