Fluorite, Fluval Shrimp Stratum, or Akadama for substrate?


Active Member
Looking at possibly overhauling my tank if this damned bout of Ich won't go away, and I'm thinking about changing the substrate. Of the three listed above, which do you think is the best as far as shrimp/plant friendly, price, and/or availability?

Plant list: Willow hygro, anubias nana, ludwigia repens, anachris, java fern, java moss, camboba

Shrimps: Red cherry shrimp

Thanks for your input!


Active Member
I have shrimp and plants thriving in pure sand, Aquasoil Amazonia 2, and Turface Pro League, eco-complete, and soil + pool filter sand substrates. Most of your plants are stem-feeders which really don't require much from a substrate other than something to hold them in place.


New Member
I've read an article where they said that a cut or broken anubias or Crypt rhizome may leach toxic substances for shrimp. A lot of people don't agree with that but I choose to be safe than sorry.


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys! Since I also *happen* to have a Bonsai tree, I think I'll give the Akadama a shot, with a bottom layer of pool filter sand.


New Member
strange..i have a monster size anubia with palm size leaves in my 25g tiger shrimp tank...the plant takes over half the tank.

good to know ill do some research.


New Member
I dont know..i have been researching this for a little while now..its suppose to be Oxalic acid

witch is found in spinach and allot of other veggies that we feed our shrimp already

seems to only be a potential problem when in small tanks and cutting it up in the tank or just before placing it in the tank?.
read threw the links they are very interesting.



I have yet to find readings on what amounts the anubia and crypts have in them.

Amaranth 1.09
Asparagus .13
Beans, snap .36
Beet leaves .61
Broccoli .19
Brussels sprouts .36
Cabbage .10
Carrot .50
Cassava 1.26
Cauliflower .15
Celery .19
Chicory .21
Chives 1.48
Collards .45
Coriander .01
Corn, sweet .01
Cucumbers .02
Eggplant .19
Endive .11
Garlic .36
Kale .02
Lettuce .33
Okra .05
Onion .05
Parsley 1.70
Parsnip .04
Pea .05
Pepper .04
Potato .05
Purslane 1.31
Radish .48
Rutabaga .03
Spinach .97
Squash .02
Sweet potato .24
Tomato .05
Turnip .21
Turnip greens .05
Watercress .31


Active Member
I've never had a problem with shrimp and anubias either and I'm not sure I've read a first hand account of anyone who has.