fish stocking


New Member
i have a 60 gallon tank with 1 angelfish, 1 African brown knife, 1 dinosaur bichir and 2 pictus catfish.
i was hoping to add some more fish preferably carnivores what should i get.


New Member
Exodons, the buck tooth tetra. Get a little school of these and you wont be disapointed. However, they might beat up the Angel.


New Member
whats the dimensions of the 60gal... I would say its more about the dimensions than the 10-15 gallon differnce.... just cause he is so long, about 12 inches full grown.... so, in a 12 inch wide tank (55gal) it wouldnt be too suitable I think.

Honestly I have never kept them, but they're something I always wanted... they just look pretty hardcore with those sharp teeth showing. might take a couple junks out of those pretty angel fish fins though.


New Member
yes my tank is 12 inches wide. how fast do they grow I'm going to upgrade in about a year if i got a small one would he/she be ok for 10 or so months?