Fish Pairing Up


New Member
Ok so I was wondering if the size of the fish matter. I have a couple Dovii one pushing 6 inches or so. And the other two pushing 2 inches or so. Now one of the two inchers hangs out behind some clay pots for the most part while the other one openly hangs out with the big fish. The big fish also does this little tail dance or whatever. It isn't like when the pike was in there and a aggressive gesture (or atleast it doesn't look the same). But more like a gentle wave with the tail. They aren't always together or nothing but the big one seems to tolerate that particular one more. Anyway that was long way of me asking if they are pairing up. Any info would be helpful. Thanks in advance


New Member
Age determines when fish are ready to pair off. No way size would tell because fish are able to be stunted in captivity, its best when purchasing a fish to find out how long either the LFS has had it or the breeder themselves. General rule of thumb when breeders sell fish is 1 to 1.5", at that size that depends on the fish growth rate. All fish have different growth rate, and growth rate plays into the part of sexual maturity, some fish that I know of can start sexual maturity at 8 months then there is others like frontosa's that are 3 to 4 yrs. So to answer your question its best for you to find out on the internet the sexual maturity and the size that goes along with it, those two things will give you your best answer.


New Member
I'll check it out, thanks I believe that the mature size for a female dovii is 5-6 inches. From what I've already read and from what they said at the place I got it. I didn't ask about males though. So that part I'd have to look into. I just thought it was really weird to see that kind if interaction. But I could be wayyyyy off on my theory and she is warning the little fish it will get ate if it doesn't move lol. Thanks man for your help I appreciate it!


New Member
I agree with addictedtofish.... actually just had a Tropheus Duboisi without its adult color spawn for me (and there only half there adult size).... which is crazy cause they normally get there adult colors 8 -12 months, and dont spawn until month 16-18.... so obviously they have been stunted.