First tank in a loooong time


New Member
Hi all! SO glad I found this forum, such a great resource!

So, I'm in Everett working as an organic gardener with two cats and a hot rod-building boyfriend. I've always had four-legged pets, but occasionally growing up we had fish or birds and even a ferret at one time. My mom just loves all sorts of animals and I guess she passed that on to me! I haven't had an aquarium since my betta died about 8 or 9 years ago, but I got a little 5 gallon tank for free at a garage sale ("Oh, you can just HAVE that" :D ). I figure I'll start with the little tank, dip my toes in and see if I have the drive for a larger tank.

I got it all scrubbed out and set up with a 3 gal filter I had sitting around from an early attempt at a circulating cat drinking fountain, I'll replace this later, I mostly just wanted to make sure it would actually hold water! There was also a big bag of fake plants and a couple of decor items that the guy gave me to go with it, so I soaked those in warm water in the sink for a couple of hours. So far, just letting it sit with some water in and circulating slowly before I do much else. In the meantime, I'm reading a lot about tank setup and maintenance to refresh my memory. I worked at Falling Water Gardens in Monroe a few summers back, and they specialize in koi and ponds/water gardens so I got a crash course then (and got the koi pond bug, but no room or $ for that right now, unfortunately).

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and stop lurking around ;) Now off to ogle some more or your tanks!