Empty 29g


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Contributing Member Level III
So I have an empty 29g...

What should I do with it? :scratch: I dont want dwarfs, so no rams, apistogrammas or convict... Might consider a small pike species however

I already have a tank of large cichlids so I just want something that can live in a 29g for life and is not a high maintenance fish. (Eats pellets)

So its a standard 29g filtered with a Penguin 350... Suggestions?


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I totally want a puffer. Like a Congo or Mekong. But the food requirements make it a little more difficult to maintain. These are not pellet eating fish.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I would consider a bristle nosed pleco, or small group of cories in the tank with whatever else...


Well dude, sorry to say it but IMHO there are only 3 c. Americans that can live in a 29 for life. They are herotalpia multipinosa and neetropolus nematopus and cryptoheros nanoluteus all are very cool fish. I have heard of people keeping adult sajiica, and several of the thorichthys family (like aureus, meekii etc.). But in my opinion these are to big for that tank. I feel a 36" tank more realistic for them. There are few cool south americans that might work. Can't think of the scientific name off the top of my head. But they are the acara fish. I was going to do the neets in my 29 before I got the tanganyikan fish.

You could always just go with a dovii, j/k!

Good luck and can't wait to see that (DOVII) tank up and running.


With the nanoluteus or the mutipinosa you can keep sword tails, mollys, or platies. But not with the neets, they are cold blooded killers. And those live bearers provide live food for your cichlids and there fry. So they grow fast. I don't know if I would go with more then one species of cichlid in there, unless you do a female of the multipinosa and nanolutues with live bearers. Again DO NOT MIX neets.


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Contributing Member Level III
Had also considered some of the dwarf pikes, many only reach 4".

I dont feel like it would be an issue to have a single Sajica, Convict or small type cichlid in there because they would get regular water changes and we are talking about a fish that usually only gets 5-6" max. Even then if its only a big male.