Discus pals?


New Member
So i have a 60gal fully cycled for discus and been looking around for a few pals. I have read cory catyfish are a good combo. However everything i read says discus should be kept at 80f-86f but cory's are not recommended past 78... Can someone explain to me how you can pair these when their water temp parameters are different? Will the corys be ok at 82-84 degrees?


Well-Known Member
I have only generally seen two species used in discus tanks ... pandas and sterbai. Both have bred at those temps, though the temps are quite a bit above each species preferred range.

There could be more, but I don't generally visit the discus specific sites as I have no immediate plans to own them, though they are on the list. But it's a long list.


New Member
honestly, discus are most often kept in species only tanks.

Discus enthusiasts prefer to keep the species in bare bottom, low light ..the temp range is 82-84 for adults with juveniles kept much warmer( 86-90)

the tanks generally require high maintenance..read as daily water changes or several X per week.

if you really think about it... that's not far from the actual environment... Discus often inhabit flood plains(particularly during spawning) in either case very acidic with not much in terms of plant life.. the actual bottom is littered with dead/decaying plant matter which help to add to the tannin enriched water (aka black water)
you may find several tetra species and a few cories.


New Member
i used to have cories in with my discus, it was a taller then normal tank too, they never seemed to thrive and slowly wasted away. had success with apistos (lone males really) german rams, angelfish (i know right...) id say depending on your tank you might be able to get yourself in some dither or something, just be aware that when the discus breed your going to be cutting survival rates down to nothing. GL in whatever you do just remember do the tank how you like it.


New Member
I was going to start another thread for this, but I've had some good experiences with different fish being in with discus at 86.

Here's what has worked well - serpae tetras, black phantom tetras, gold pristella tetras, headlight-taillight tetras, and plecos. I've also had good luck so far with bronze corydoras. A Yolo loach did well for a while, too.

What has worked OK - glowlight tetras - they do OK, but seem to burn out quickly, so you have to keep restocking.

What didn't work - silver tip tetras

What I'm having mixed results and difficulties with at the moment is Columbian Blue tetras. Seem to be stressed.
If I remember correctly, you can keep Cardinal tetras with discus, because cardinals can live comfortably in warmer waters that discus like.

German Blue Rams are also good in warmer waters. So they could also be an option.


New Member
I would disagree with some of the discushatchery page - I keep replacing the glowlights, and I think I might just let them taper off, get something else. I have spoken to many people, and seen in person full grown discus cohabiting with angels (what's next, dogs and cats living together? Total chaos!). It is mostly good solid advice, though.

Was discussing it with Cory tonight, and he pointed out I was in uncharted waters - apparently, few discus keepers mix them with tetras, so the answer to the question of "will this tetra do OK at discus temps" is generally to go try it and see. Which led me to wonder what others have found with this.

Rams may well be an option, and I do like them.


Well-Known Member
Generally I only see four tetras used in by discus keeps since they all come from similar warmer waters .... cardinals, rummynose, lemons, and green neons.