deformed glofish



So the one remaining glofish we have is not looking so great these days. Its got a huge belly and a tail that bends back and forth. It is really active but kind of sinks if it doesnt keep moving really fast. It eats well, and really does seem fine aside from being pretty deformed. It wasnt always like this, it was fine for a while, but started getting super rotund and then later its tail got deformed. It has been like this for a while... I just kind of left it alone because it seemed like it was fine living its little life. So do I need to be worried about it or just let it keep on going? I just read a horror story where someone had a danio that was like this and it suddenly popped into a bunch of worms. Nothing else in the tank has gotten sick or anything. And I wan to keep it that way lol.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
With the genetic manipulation done to these fish its not surprising to get some deformities.

Check this one out


yeah it looks a lot like that, but with a big belly. I tried to take a picture but its never still enough lol. I think I am just going to leave it be. Its easy to get scared sometimes with fish. One little thing can ruin an entire tank, and I would rather be paranoid than let that happen lol.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Been through the 'one little thing can ruin an entire tank'! Introduced wild caught fish into a 3yr old established tank without first quarantining. Lost just about everything and then when I restocked lost another batch of fish. Had to break down the tank and disinfect everything. That is a lot of work with 210g! So Im all for being paranoid!