Cyano algae..and how to defeat it


New Member
So, in smaller reef tanks like my 25 there are a lot of things you need to monitor. Water parameters can go awry easily and disasters can spread faster than in a larger reef due to the size. I recently had a bout with cyano algae ( ).

This thick red algae covers rocks, glass, corals, anything it can creep onto. It sets in quickly and spreads almost overnight. It will choke corals and clog power heads, it will encrust anything in your tank. It even reduces the flow on Koralia's.

I noticed the problem after lilfishie sent me a PM about the red slime on some rock. I first tried a water change and a turkey baster to suck the algae off the rocks, but it made little, if any, difference.

Then I researched it and found this is a common problem in smaller reefs. I went to Midway, got some "Red Slime Remover" and dosed the tank. The cycle takes 48 hours. You have to remove the carbon from any filters, turn off your protein skimmer and let it work.

I followed the instructions, did my water changes and in 48 hours, the algae was all gone! The rocks are clean and the slime algae that had collected on the surface of the water (in corners and around filter piping) was also gone!

The problem in my tank was poor circulation and over feeding. I added another Koralia Nano to the tank for increased water movement and cut back on feeding.

The algae is at bay and the tank looks much better. If you come across this problem in your small reef aquarium, it is not the end of the world, like some people say, it can be eradicated if you take proper action and stick to a strict water change regiment.

now for some pictures of the cured tank!

This rock on the right was COVERED in a blanket of red slime algae..not any more!

The rock to the left had so much red algae on it that you couldn't even see it.

Full tank shot, no more cyano!


New Member
Nice to see the leather coming back, I figured it would but as it was out of light for awhile..............glad you got the slime gone


New Member
unconv-reefer said:
Nice to see the leather coming back, I figured it would but as it was out of light for awhile..............glad you got the slime gone
That leather is doing good, and the other pieces you gave me are open and growing!