Considering CA's


New Member
Whats up everyone.

So there has been alot of talk around the house, my sister wants to pick up a 200 gallon and have me take care of it.
in trade i get to choose everything, Fish, substrate, lighting, filtration. She just wants to pick the tank and the stand.
oh and did i forget to mention that she is going to pay for everything?


So i am considering CA's.. i am not completely sold because i think most of the bigger cichlids are just meh to me..
i am more of an african owner.

So here is what we got.

No Dovii, They simply grow too big and in my opinion are ugly as all hell.
No Jack Dempseys, My buddy has 2, the colors are awesome but for some reason i don't really care for the fish.
Im interested in Red/Green Severums, Red/Green Terror's, Red Devils, Flowerhorns, and such.
I don't know all of the species and to this day i still see pics of fish and im like WOW WHAT IS THAT! anyways.

What do you guys think i should do for a tank?

125-200 Gallons is what im workin with.

There are some really awesome fish out there, that i simply dont know the names of.
So, what do you guys suggest? maybe show some pics, and a quick response on their temper and conditions?

thanks for the help


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Contributing Member Level III
So many choices...

I prefer a community type tank. So Ive always had silver dollars, a catfish of some type and cichlids. My current mix (210g signature) is an Amazon/South American theme. Everybody gets along and I have no major aggression issues. I like variety so the community mix was what I went with.

What is your sister interested in? Color, size, variety, being able to interact with the fish. These things might have a bearing on what I would recommend.


id go for a paratheraps tank with bifasciatum, zonatum, and synispilum. all loaded with color and are on the lower side in terms of community busting aggression. also hericthys buccorti, vieja regani, thoricthys meeki are all good choices too :D welcome to the dark side :twisted:


New Member
DMD123 said:
So many choices...

I prefer a community type tank. So Ive always had silver dollars, a catfish of some type and cichlids. My current mix (210g signature) is an Amazon/South American theme. Everybody gets along and I have no major aggression issues. I like variety so the community mix was what I went with.

What is your sister interested in? Color, size, variety, being able to interact with the fish. These things might have a bearing on what I would recommend.

To put it into perspective a little more.
She loves my african tank. All of the peacocks, my labs, all of it.

I am personally into the community style tanks, and this is the reason why i am so against CA's. most people try to find that biggest baddest fish
and often times i see them in huge tanks alone... that in my eyes isnt cool i dunno.
i like variety, colors, aggression, i like all of it. Because with all of that you have created a piece of "life"
i like to recreate the wild so to say.

Colors, im looking for pinks, reds, and oranges mainly.

there is a really cool fish that is bright pink, has the black circular patterns that run down to its tail, white specs in the body, and maybe a dab of redish.
kinda looks like a trimac but its smaller. i have no idea what the name is.


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Contributing Member Level III
Maybe something like a Lyonsi?

Why not just get Africans for her also?


New Member
im like you in that I find the majority of CA cichlids kinda dull in color.... the cool thing about these fish is there personality, and aggression.... IM thinking you would like

white midas


red terror (festae)


Flowerhorn are not a CA cichlid... they are a highbreed of dozens of fish.... they are also super agressive and difficult to keep in a tank with others.


New Member
She is paying you said?

Tigrinus catfish.

some F2 or earlier Red Tiger motaguense

Green Terror or Amph. lyonsi

a few clown loaches

Pearsei (if you want a bigger fish- the two cichlids above get less than a foot long)



New Member
DMD123 said:
Maybe something like a Lyonsi?

Why not just get Africans for her also?

Well because i have 2 dedicated African tanks. a 120G and a 55 Gallon.

Its similar in color to that fish but much smaller...

think tri-mac


New Member
Zerc said:
She is paying you said?

Tigrinus catfish.

some F2 or earlier Red Tiger motaguense

Green Terror or Amph. lyonsi

a few clown loaches

Pearsei (if you want a bigger fish- the two cichlids above get less than a foot long)

she is paying for everything but the fish im assuming.

considering Tiger Oscar, and Albino Tiger.
Red Devil, green terror, green/red severum.
and this other fish that i speak of but cant seem to find any pictures atm.

ill keep my eyes peeled and post it.

its similar "markings" to a trimac, it has those black pearly marks down the side that for some reason resemble "japanese symbols"
its mostly pinkish red, with whitish showing and of course the black markings.


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Contributing Member Level III
I know these are considered "common" but they can work out in a CA community and get beautiful in color.

I present the... firemouth


New Member
RTM color varies from fish to fish. If you want good color buy one from madness. That one in the picture doesnt have much color.. :)