cichlid eye problem


New Member
I got a red zebra recently from a tank with dubious water quality.  He has one odd looking eye, but the other one is fine.  I put him in a ten gallon tank and raised the temperature to 85.  I've been adding 1 tsp of salt per gallon and he has been in there for about 2.5 weeks.  I haven't seen any change in his eye.  Anyone have any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Staff member
In the pic it looks like his eye has been damaged, and unfortunately probably never return to normal.

How long has the eye been like that? Is it protruding outward or is it just damaged? Does it look like something could be in it (worm etc..)?


New Member

I also am thinking zombie fish. Maybe I should stop feeding him brains....

The previous owner of this fish didn't have much to say when I asked him how long the eye had looked that way, but I got the impression it was a fairly recent develeopment. I've had the fish about 3 weeks. It doesn't really protrude, and it I can't really see anything in it. I am also wondering if it would be safe to add this fish to my main tank?


Looks like some kind of physical damage, if it is not getting worse it should be fine for the general population.


New Member
I had a fish that actually lost his eye from damage. He was fine but you could see him favor the side which had the eye. Has to be hard as a fish to have only one eye as you would basically lose half if not more of your field of vision.


New Member
alright. I'm weaning him off the salt and gradually lowering the temp in the hospital tank. Zombie fish is going to gen pop after the weekend.
