Buying and setting up Fish tanks


New Member
Good Morning everyone. I'm thinking about getting some salt water Fish to set up a tank... Can some one tell me and direct me where to get started and
What size is generally the best.


New Member
The fish tank size is depends on the fishes to be added. As the saltwater tank should be
average between 75 to 120 gallon size. At the start of fish keeping in tank there is need
of care and regularly water cleaning for better health and environment of fish.


here are some good tips

Do lots of reasurch before getting anything.

Go as big as your space and budget will allow.

Don't buy brand new name brand equiptment rate off the bat (your 1st tank is never your last and is truly for learning)

Keep RO water on hand at all times

Finially join reef frontiers ( there is a much larger saltwater knowledge base on there