Breeding German Rams


New Member
So after my sister slaughtered my tropheus, she did do something cool... well unintentionally.... She left the lights off in my 20gal German ram breeding tank.... This caused a huge PH drop.... which turned out good, cause I got a pair of rams guarding eggs now!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO..... I didnt even know, and was doing a vacuume yesterday, when mom began attackin me!

I looked around and saw on the leaf a bunch of eggs. HOW GREAT! After observing them longer, I noticed dad was bright pink in the face, and mom had a very bright pink belly.... So i watched them for an hour as they traded guardin the eggs and searchin for food... .was really cool.... I made a video so you guys could see. :)

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New Member
Looks like my ram parents have had a caviar feast last night, cause all the eggs are gone! :(

After researchin, I guess it is really common for first time parents to eat the eggs/fry a few times before they get it right.... but I guess they go at it every week, so thats a positive :)


New Member
I've never kept germans, but the whole reason I got into keeping rift lake cichlids was because we had 3 rams in the 55g when it was a community tank and loved the personality.


New Member
ok, its been a couple days after the eggs have been all eaten.... Now both female and male are no longer a couple? They seem to be on seperate sides of the tank, and the female picks on the male if he gets too close to her. Im assuming its "take a break" time for a few days? hopefully 3 more days and the spark should start up between them again.... or else I will re-introduce the other male to spice things up a bit!

Anyone have any objections/comments to puttin in a new male to a paired ram tank?? Im hoping it will re-unite the pair so they stay close again.... but never tried this before.


New Member
Female Ram All by Herself Video... Enjoy!

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