Bettas and Dwarf Gourami?


New Member
I have a 45g well planted long tank, currently I have 3 pairs of Dwarf Gouramis and 2 yoyo loaches. I'll be getting some more fish like neon tetras end of this week. I was thinking I'd put my male Betta in to that tank as well. At the moment he is in a 15g planted tank. Is it true Gourami and Betta wont get along?


New Member
That's what I've always been told. I tried sticking 4 dwarf gouramis in my 55gal tetra tank that already had a very mellow betta in and everything was going great for a week and then all of a sudden the gouramis went after my betta. Tore him to shreds and before I had realized what happened he had developed ick and a fungus. Won't be doing that again. I had finally got my betta healed after a month and then two months later he died.


New Member
Sorry, but not advisable from what I understand! I've read pygmy corys, cherry shrimp, ADF's
and small non-nipping tetras should be okay. Doesn't imply there might not be issues though!


New Member
trial and error imo :) i just keep snails and frogs with mine lol but ive seen gouramis and bettas doing fine together, and others where the betta becomes a chewtoy, all depends on the temper of your particular fishes


New Member

Depends of the fishes.
I've noticed, if a fish is the same or close to the same colour as the gourami, the gourami would try to pick on that particular fish.


New Member
I like to try things different and odd... and my experience with gouramis and bettas was a single aggressive as $ù'k betta and a honey sunset gourami... I had to remove gourami for his own saftey.. betta in about 5 min had removed both his long vetral feeler fins... but I have gouramis now with guppies and convicts plus various other fish... only one gourami won't leave the breeding convicts alone... dumbshit... even if ur a lil bigger 2v1 isn't good odds when its breeding convicts...


New Member
I have my male betta in with three 4.5-5" opaline gouramis. My betta chase them around. I used to have a couple dwarf flame gouramis and they were just fine with my betta too.


New Member
Ive seen them mixed in so many tanks its crazy.... almost all my friends with tropical community tank have gourami and a male betta... no one has said there was a problem? but, I guess any fish can fight, just depends if the fish is a fighter, or a lover! lol


New Member
No personal experience but I've always read and heard that gouramis and bettas are both too territorial and tend to share the same spaces, so it's sort of like a time bomb.

If you try it, I would make sure to try it out on a day where you can do some serious observation for a couple of days in a row (Sat. Sun. for people with normal schedules, not me).


New Member
Really depends on the Betta.

While breeding i've seen peaceful males and females that didn't care what they were housed with. and i've had a couple that couldn't be housed with ANY fish no matter how un-betta like or how planted the tank lol.

I'd just keep an eye on it.

I didn't read through every post, so someone may have mentioned it, but with Tetras and some other schooling fish, they will sometimes nip betta fins, so keep that in mind too.


New Member
If it all falls apart on you, don't forget you can always throw a DIY divider in one end and just let the betta have his own little piece of tank.


New Member
It has been done in bigger tanks because of the space; each have their own territory but if very aggressive they will attack. They are both members of the antabid family and are closely related to one another.


New Member
I would bet that one on one they might get along. I wouldn't try it if you have SIX gourami in the tank, it would probably be too tempting to gang up on the betta instead of make friends... thats seven fish that have to have the right personality to get along.


New Member
As far as I understand, Gouramis and Bettas do not get along, and will often times fight each other, usually to the Betta's eventual death. Now, I've also been told don't house bettas with Platys, but I have and they got along just fine. So with that said, I think it's on a fish by fish basis, but I wouldn't even try it.


New Member
Everyone makes valid points, kind of a do at your own risk type of deal. But there's always that chance that everything may seem fine and then something goes horribly wrong and the gouramis go after the betta. It wouldn't take much time for a couple gouramis to take out a betta. I learned the hard way and lost the most mild mannered betta I've ever had, that fish could get a long with anything. Good luck on your decision.


We had a betta in our community tank that houses two honey gouramis, and the betta was fine except he was picking off the other fish and constantly displaying... We moved him to his own tank and he still seems awfully angry.

But about 2 months ago I was in a pet store and fell in love with a dragonscale. He was already living in a community tank so we decided to give it a shot in ours and it worked out perfectly!

Its definitely dependent on the fish I think. I say try it simply because bettas look so good in a community tank.