Betta Color


New Member
So I picked up a white betta a few months ago an now he is more pink than white. My guess is that the food that I am feeding him (hakari betta bio-gold and NLS thera a) has a lot of color inhansers in it. Is there something that I can feed him that is still good for him but will bring out his white? Probubly too late but had to ask.


New Member
Freya said:
So I picked up a white Betta a few months ago an now he is more pink than white. My guess is that the food that I am feeding him (hakari betta bio-gold and NLS thera a) has a lot of color inhansers in it. Is there something that I can feed him that is still good for him but will bring out his white? Probably too late but had to ask.
Well you may have picked up a younger male, and he is turning pink because that may be his his natural color. Or you may be right about what your feeding him. If I were you, I'd feed your betta something like this (7 day diet):

Tip: Bettas can go on for a week without eating at all.
1st day: Tropical Flake
2nd day: Frozen meaty food, or live (Bloodworms, worms, etc)
3rd day: Tropical Flake
4th day: Spirulina Flake
5th day: Do not feed
6th day: Frozen Mosquito larva (Bettas readily eat mosquito larva. These insects are found in nature where bettas live - the rice paddies. Though it's not that easy to find mosquito larva in the Western world unless you have a tank to breed insects specifically to feed your betta)
7th day: Tropical Flake

This is just a general guideline (mine, lol)

When preparing them for spawning, more meaty foods are better. But for your problem (coloration) do more of the Spirulina flake. This should help the coloration get back to it's natural state as it's pretty neutral in color after ingested.

lars on

New Member
I bought a silver betta not to long ago, and now hes turning a cobaltish blue on his fins, its probably a maturity thing. Especially if you got him at a chain store

But good luck, gonna have one healthy and beautiful betta if ya stick to mikeys food plan


New Member
mikey... I love how you change the diet day to day so much.... I havent tried this method.... I mainly stick to flake or pellet 4-5 x a week, then some frozen goodies as treats the 6th day and fast the 7th..... but Im gonna give your tech a go... thanks for postin it!


New Member
With bettas, they can survive on those little pellets forever. But I like to keep my fish very healthy and happy, so that's why I do that (even though they're just bettas... :p )

My mom has one in her room and feeds him only pellets. Mine are MUCH more active and have better colors so I'm thinking it's all about the diet (and water quality).

Hope the diet works for you! :)


New Member
It is a maturity thing. Color-enhancing foods won't cause him to "change" color. It only brings out his natural color and changing his food won't make him whiter if he's naturally more pink. Truly white adult bettas are opaque. The ones that turn pink aren't opaque, they're just lacking any pigment in their fins & scales, which allows the flesh color to show through. These are usually called pastels. I'm guessing his fins are semi-translucent?