Aquarium co-op mailer?


New Member
didnt know where to post this so plz forgive me if i did it incorrectly. im just curious if the co-op has some sort of physical mailer. or email list for that matter. my mother lives like 2 blocks away and gets "junk mail" from the co-op all the time. it is by no means junk tho, almost always great coupons. that brings me to my next point, how do i go about getting awesome coupons? im not in the area at all but id love to be reminded that my favorite store has a great coupon for the month or w.e. just seems like a good way to not only remind ppl about ya but get em to make more regular purchases. as time progresses it seems like more and more stores carry less and less of what i need, and the co-op seems to be the only one with any in stock. anyhoo thats my rant thanks for reading
We do have a monthly newsletter that I'm usually in charge with. We send it out via email once a month and post a link to it on the aquarium co-op Facebook page.

I'm pretty sure you can sign up for the news letter through the aquarium co-op website at:
I just checked and you can join through the website just scroll to the bottom of the page and you should find a section called "newsletter sign up" :)
Tip: you also get additional coupons when you include your birthday when you sign up.