Apple snails


New Member
I have two Golden Mystery snails named Gary and Larry that are housed with my bettas. Does anyone else keep invertebrates? If so, who do they live with?

Also, does anyone else have digging snails? Mine like to dig near the roots of my java fern (which isn't rooted yet...) It's very annoying but I know they're just keeping them healthy by eating off the dead matter :roll:

lars on

New Member
Ive got a Golden Apple Snail in with 6 Malawi fry, 5 tetras, 1 platy, 1 horribly disfigured guppy, and a betta. None of them pick on him on at him, so hes cool. Also have two dime size baby Trapdoor Snails

And I guess I have two Turbo Snails and a Hermit crab in my SW