angelfish help asap!


New Member
so i let my uncles have my group of angels in his planted aquarium. so now he has a group of 8 checked the water it checked out perfectly fine. but nowthey have a slimy coat and red in there fins. wtf do i do?!! help help. could it be the change ofdropping in carbon?


New Member
****Moved to correct area, Disease and disaster.**** please place new threads in the correct topic location.

I havent had angels before but have read allot about them because my daughter wanted some.... Immediatly when you said red fins I recognized this is a serious problem.... some kind of bacterial infection..... I copied something i found on the net..

"Angel fish that have red streaks around the mouth or base of the dorsal usually have a systemic (internal) bacterial infection. Do not use a heat treatment for any suspected bacterial diseases. Treatment for an internal bacterial problem is very difficult, unless you are knowledgeable about giving an intra muscular injection of the proper anti-biotic. If the angel fish is still eating, your best bet is to try a flake food that has an anti-biotic added to it. Angel fish that are very bloated, likely have a type of internal bacterial infection that has affected the kidneys. Angel fish exhibiting this symptom are usually too far gone to be saved. If you catch this type of angel fish disease early when the fish is still eating, then a medicated food with an antibiotic in it may work."

If you try and seems to be failing the best and most humane thing to do would be to properly euthanize your fish.... Prepare a 10gallon tank, place them in it, and slowly add some clove oil... the fish will fall asleep peacefully. Please keep us updated.


New Member
I have some Medi-Gold Pellets medicated pellets ( They're meant more for Koi/trout ponds, but work just fine with other fish, you just have to crunch the pellets down a bit down into smaller pieces.

If you can get down my way today I'll give you a baggie full.


New Member
Do u have any pics?
when mine had slimy coat, it was because of the change in the pH level in the new tank i moved them in.
The red streaks that i had in my tank was due to high ammonia level.

U might wana check their water parameters and see if they are within range.


New Member
Monstafish said:
checked the water it checked out perfectly fine. but nowthey have a slimy coat and red in there fins.
Thats what I thought first, then I re-read the his post..... and because we never heard back I am not thinking anything good happened. :(


Staff member
If tank parameters are all in line. Angelfish have an angelfish plague as well. Similar to the discus plague. If any were added within the last 3 months or so, it could have brought it with it. Usually it kills the fish within a few days.