All in one tank recommendations


New Member
hi all
I have never used a all in one fish tank before. I am looking to set up a smaller 20-40gal freshwater biotope.
Not sure which direction to go with fish yet but definitely smaller species.
Has anyone ever used the innovative marine all in one tanks? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Ehiem? Fluval?
Or should I just be looking at something like a mr aqua and get a whim canister and a led pendent?
I just have no experience with the all in one systems so I don't know if filtration suffers in this type of system



Well-Known Member
I use a 14 gallon bio cube which is set up for salt water, i really like it. Now i want to upgrade to the 29 gallon version. Problem i have with the all in ones is the price, especially Innovative Marine. You could have custom built acrylic tanks for cheaper than what they sell for. I really like the Mr Aqua tanks, i think they are competitively priced and look great. For canisters filters i am currently using the finnex px-360 and i like it a lot. It's only rated to 25 gallons though. I use it on a 40 breeder just for the spray bar and help with circulation.


New Member
Thank you for the reply. I have owned a mr Aqua in the past. I like the sizes available as they seem a bit different from the standard sizes. When I did saltwater I transformed one into a quarantine tank.
I noticed one thing with innovative marine that drives up the cost is they include a stand. I'm not interested in a stand so maybe I should be looking at mr Aqua
I keep looking at craigslist to see if anything turns up there as well