Acrylic Aquarium Scratchs


New Member
I have a 50gal. acrylic aquarium that I want to use for salt water. Anyone know of a quick way to remove scratchs from a Acrylic Aquarium.

Thanks Rick


New Member
I know this does not answer your question but I figured I would ask since the topic was up.

What are the benefits of going with acrylic over glass. I have a 54 corner bow now and want a larger one. I found an acrylic one at $1/gal but do not have much experience with it. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
I like that they weigh less initially, extreme temperature changes can cause glass to crack, I'm sure there is a whole list of pros and cons, I just can't think of anymore right now... I need more coffee!!


New Member
Also you can repair scratches in acrylic. With glass it ranges from very difficult to impossible.

In larger tanks the weight issue is very significant.

Frameless tanks are much more reliable in acrylic than glass.


New Member
acrylic is great for taking high def pics, lighter than glass, will not leak or crack ( unless somebody hit it with a hammer) compare to glass that maybe for like 5-6 years silocone seals needs to be replaced, and its true that its more clear than glass, if you got scratch in a glass, you cant remove it anymore compare to acrylic, acrylic maintains the temperature of the water more than glass... hope that answers it all,... ^_^


New Member
I am looking at a 92 corner glass or 110 corner acrylic. I am just wondering if I should get the acrylic or glass? Aside from the obvious size difference. Everyone has given me positives about acrylic is there a downside? Any reason I should not get the acrylic? Glass or Acrylic?


New Member
imo if you can get acrylic for the same price as glass do it i love it much better ....also if your useing salts wont get the salt creep that u would with a glass...the only big down side to an acrylic is that you cant get large items in and out easily or net the fish as eaily as the opening as smaller and are not right up to the edge like glass


New Member
vote for novus system from me. I am using it now to buff my 125 and its looking good.
also double plus for weight. I can move the 125 around by myself, and i cant imagine trying to man handle anything glass over a 55g.