1st tank in 8 years 75g tanganyikian


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Looks like it’s setting up nicely!

Can you remind me which tangs you wanted that were longer and sardine line?


Active Member
cyprichromis indeed.

stocking plan:
Neolamprologus brichardi - daffodil
cyprichromis- bright blue and yellow
Bentochromis Horii Mpimbwe- MAYBE
Eretmodus marksmithi Kigoma ''Red''
lamprologus meleagris
altolamprologus compressicips shell/ sumbu


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
A 48" tank is not large enough for Bentochromis. They are large, skittish fishes that require a 72" tank as a bare minimum.


Well-Known Member
This tank sounds like a fun mix of biodiversity, I'm excited to watch you set it up and introduce the various species, thanks for sharing your plans and progress.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
The success or failure of this stocking plan is going to depend on the numbers of each species, and how they are introduced. The N. brichardi/Eretmodus combination may or may not work, depending on the individual fishes. I certainly would not want to introduce Eretmodus into a 48" tank that already contained a bonded N. brichardi pair.


Active Member
Sir Kieth thanks for the tip on the Bentos, they were a hard MAYBE, needing more research.
I am also not set on the daffodils, might switch those up, we'll see.
probably cyprichromis leptsoma, of some sort- depends on availability