Recent content by Rico $uave

  1. Rico $uave

    My fish

    you do know that the tiger shovel nose hybrid will grow 4foot plus in size? along with that fire eel that will get about 2foot plus in size also
  2. Rico $uave

    whats up from the east coast

    whast up....really glad to hear that you learned something new and seen a new fish you never had before.....they are a wild type guppy from trinidad Oropuche River i got them from adrianhd last yr
  3. Rico $uave

    whats up from the east coast

    whats up just got put on to the forum im from NYC i keep crazy fish in tanks heres a link to my you-tube channel and Instagram and twitter if you use it Instagram/twitter: @crazywontonsoup looking to meet some new fish friends trade some...