Recent content by Olyshrimper

  1. O

    Looking to purchase female endlers in the Olympia area

    Don't need any particular type just 5-7 healthy ladies and a couple young males. Half grown fry is fine too. Thanks
  2. O

    Will they get along?

    A question to the group about this tank. Would geophagus, instead of the severums, be good with the firemouths?
  3. O

    This is what happen last Sunday.

    Very nice.
  4. O

    Skrittles Mix

    Bretz has good shrimp. I've had a couple orders of fire reds and golden backed yellow and they are amazing.
  5. O

    Shrimp racing for algae

    I keep a 2.5gal stuffed with java moss with the light on 24/7 and I rotate algae covered moss into my shrimp tanks, shrimp go crazy for it even if there is other food in the tank.
  6. O

    Anyone selling neocaridina in the Olympia area?

    I'm looking to add some new genetics to my RCS and try out some other color varieties and would love to find some breed locally.