Recent content by Kaie

  1. K

    Big Fish Aquatics

    Sad thing is. Hes a pretty legitimate dude to know.
  2. K

    Big Fish Aquatics

    Shit was ridiculous..... and hes my acquaintance. So that says a lot.
  3. K

    Update: Beta version of Washington FishBox on your mobile phone: UP!!

    PS i get the normal site via android w/ user agent set to Android.
  4. K

    New Green Phantom Pleco!

    those are rad plecos. are you guys doing the whole fast current deal with them?
  5. K

    oddball and rare fish ,,,policy

    My mind is boggled that anyone would buy any LIVE ANIMAL [children included] before doing any research on it. Regardless of its predatory skills or lack there of. As i do agree that more pet stores should do more educating to purchasers. When they dont does that mean its a free for all? Just do...
  6. K

    Black dragon HM

    I think she ended up getting a different female and then it died or something. Something shady.
  7. K

    29 Gal Amazon Biotope 'Blackwater Bog'

    Thanks Jeff. Every fish is from your store except the farlowella.
  8. K

    29 Gal Amazon Biotope 'Blackwater Bog'

    Heres the 55. I cant find my real camera. So heres one of those infamous shitty cell camera pictures. If you look closely you can see an angel. Heres the 29 now. Bunch of Bloodfins 3x Giant Indian Gourami. They dont get so giant. More like 3-4" long. 1x bristlenostral pleco Handful of...
  9. K

    29 Gal Amazon Biotope 'Blackwater Bog'

    i ended up doing it in a 55 Creatures: 5 black angelfish 5 peacock gudgeons 10 ThreadFin Rainbow fish 1 pair German Rams 1 Farlowella 1 Bristle Nose 8 Ghost shrimp Ill get pictures some time next week.
  10. K

    New to forum!

  11. K


    Re: pictures That doesnt look like any sturgeon ive personally ever seen. They usually have the feelers on the underside and scutes along the top. The face in general doesnt scream stuegeon to me. I also cant think of any sturgeon species other than maybe shovelnose that could tolerate...
  12. K

    preparing bogwood

    I use bogwood specifically for the tannins. There for I pull it out of a river. Rinse it off with a garden hose. Then I put it in the tank.
  13. K

    preparing bogwood

    I use bogwood specifically for the tannins. There for I pull it out of a river. Rinse it off with a garden hose. Then I put it in the tank.
  14. K

    Apparently, I am running a brothel...

    thats pretty ridiculous.
  15. K

    Convicts breeding? Say it ain't so!

    yeah pretty much. Rams too but rams suck at parenting and will eat either the eggs or the fry. I got rid of the Krib parents, but i still have the like 75 fry.