Recent content by fishpatch

  1. F

    White Poop

    Always try to avoid using medications until you are sure that your fish has a given illness to avoid further damaging your fish. Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk
  2. F

    White Poop

    A lot of my cichlid when first bought secreted a white stringy poop most likely from switch in diet and being kept in unsatisfactory conditions at the farms they were raised in. I would put the fish on an easy to digest diet and daily water changes to see if it will pass within a day or 2...
  3. F

    Who's had a fish bite them?

    I have not been bitten nor do I planned to be he is ferocious and tries to jump out of the water to grab your net when throwing feeders in. I have had no luck switching to frozen foods :) Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk
  4. F

    New Pygmy Cory's dying

    I had a bronze cory and an albino as Well. Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk
  5. F

    New Pygmy Cory's dying

    I have had a lot of trouble with cory cats in my 10-gal I believe when I perform water changes the slight change in ph from the tap stresses and kills them off I have little evidence to prove this as the cory cats have been the only species I have had trouble keeping alive. Sent from my Z970...
  6. F

    a few new fish. ID anyone

    Your middle fish is a taiwan reef Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk
  7. F

    New 125g Malawi setup

    2 juvenile lichnochromis acuticeps and a nimbochromis livingstonii Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk
  8. F

    New 125g Malawi setup

    Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk
  9. F


    My venustus approx 8" long showing great color I love em!!!