Recent content by Akire

  1. A

    My Festae tank!

    Nice looking tank. The lack of plants makes me sad. Looks good with the black background, it contrasts nicely with the blue gravel.
  2. A

    45 Gourami/Barb tank

    If you got the fish at Petsmart its not unusual to get Highfin Spotted, Marblehorns and Albino Chocolate Plecos in with the Commons. They either currently or have in the past sold all of these species and the vendor still sells them to other dealers, they're just not currently on the Petsmart...
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    Brilliant. I need one for my Electric Blue Lobster. I know he chews on my angels, but I never catch him doing it! He's gotten bold enough to do it in the day too. Had to move him into my feeder holding tank. At least those fish are OK to eat, even if they are meant for the crayfish, turtles and...
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    African Butterfly Fish

    They're a good top water fish, but not really active unless you're feeding them. Can go with anything as long as it doesn't maul them or fit in their mouth. Most of the ABFs sold in fish stores these days will eat flake or frozen but love live crickets. Be sure and ask a knowledgeable...
  5. A

    Photos of my saltwater and fresh water fishies

    I love your CW tank, it looks great. I wish I had the right fish for something like that, none of mine would be happy with the pebble bottom look.