What did you do with your tank(s) today?


Legendary Member
Water changes from the rain barrel aquarium for the 60g cube, 29g rack and 55g. I need to drain it before it becomes a mosquito factory.


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Contributing Member Level III
Some light water changes just to get some poo off the substrate, not my big water changes which are weekend projects. Did do a heavy water change on the 65B goldfish tank sinc they are basically in quarantine and a new fish comes tomorrow.


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Contributing Member Level III
Excitement waiting on fish to arrive. Just one of the new Ranchu goldfish I ordered last week.

Always that sense of dread too as to whether you get a dead fish. Most of times Ive had great experiences over the years but on two occasion there were issues. Once package came really late during cold weather and the fish were super stressed and one almost looked dead but later revived when it got warmed up. The other bad experience was when apparently the driver scanned the box in but forgot to load it on his truck! A supervisor dropped it off at my house late that evening saying she felt bad because it was marked as live fish. She dropped it off in her personal car!

Oh well. will see what today's package brings! Says by 7pm tonight...


Active Member
Installed a second floating betta log anchored by a betta leaf in the other front corner, and while Sai does cruise through it, Parona the panda garra did get the idea that its for her and rests in it when she needs to get away from Ryan the Queen rasbora. And in he process of grooming thread algae threads off the plants I got tangled in the planted sprite and managed to dislodge one one of the shrimp houses by pulling on what I thought was a disintegrating diatom-covered stem but was really diatom-covered long roots of a second self-planted sprite. I briefly did try to replant it alongside the main plant, but then thought eh, just let it float for now, more line-of-sight blockage. Luckily the main part of the plant stayed put.

Also had my Aquarium Co-op nano air pump suddenly quit, so I emergency-ordered a very cheap Whisper on Amazon and attached the sponge filter (also AC nano, I think I need to upgrade with 1 betta, 3 rasboras, 1 garra, 1 myers giant kuhli in a gravel planted 6 gallon - any suggestions? It needs to fit in a corner as closely as possible, NO HOBs or externals)line, and switched the AQQA 35 that was temporarily on the filter to the airstone which was 'dead' since yesterday. I did want to switch out both pumps for an AC double outlet one, but a $5 Whisper with no shipping was just an unpassable deal.



Well-Known Member

Mine are getting close :)
Going to try to save some eggs this year. Two survivors from last years first real spawn. I'm thinking my large black one might be a female. Thought it last year, this year two others are chasing her and she's looking offset right a little pudgy. Water temp is 60 now, so close.


Well-Known Member
Due to my youngest needing a couple days off school, I had unplanned home time. After doing some much needed yard work that I haven't had time for, I finally had a little time to play in the water.

The 125 got some very mild grooming, I had too many floaters on the right side causing some health issues with the ludwigia so I tossed a few LBS of duckweed and pulled some of the stems deeper to fix the "legginess" that was occurring from leaf loss. The carpet is doing ok other than the one spot the plecos can't seem to leave alone so I'm just going to let nature finish doing it's thing and see what I get. No time for light balance, and a write up this morning, so this isn't a correct photo set but here's the current state:
And I stole some trimming to plant my fanciest, smallest tank, this one's going to the office this weekend.
I've done nano, but I've never done a nano cube quite this small and purposeful. Most of my tiny tanks were just to sort fry or hold a betta that didn't make the cut. Hopefully it grows in as I'm imagining over the next month and I can successfully toss some shrimp in to colonize.


Well-Known Member
Very cool nano tank @John58Ford! That's what I need for my betta.
I would go one bigger for a betta. After sand and the smallest piece of clean basalt I had in my cabinet I only got 2.2 gallons of water to fit. If you were going less substrate and fake plants it might hold 2.5. this is the top fin shrimp and plant 3 gallon cube. Other than having to solder a bridge into the circuit board to make it work with a timer I really think the whole thing is a great little package. It's a micro level solder job so don't drink your morning coffee first but it's not too hard.


Well-Known Member
Got the glass super glued together tomorrow I will silicon and start working on a base! Stoked I like making fish tanks!
I'm not following any threads on this build you're doing but I'm very curious. You used "super glue" meaning cyanoacrylate or some "super" glue like goop etc? I don't think I've seen traditional super glue used on a glass tank before so I'm very interested in your process.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
I'm not following any threads on this build you're doing but I'm very curious. You used "super glue" meaning cyanoacrylate or some "super" glue like goop etc? I don't think I've seen traditional super glue used on a glass tank before so I'm very interested in your process.
Same here; I've never heard of a glass tank being held together with anything other than silicone.